Interview with Dr. Senevirathna “On the Nature of Ayurveda Medicine”

Clinic: Good afternoon, Dr. Senevirathna. How are you feeling today as you continue your rounds of Sri Lankan hotels and health resorts as a doctor?

Doctor: When we take the word Ayurveda, Ayu means life. Veda means knowledge. Accordingly, Ayurveda is the knowledge of weapons.

(Sushruta Sutra Stiahana 1.13)

Accordingly, any science that gives the ability to live a long life is called Ayurveda.

Charaka has explained these facts as follows.

“Hitahitāṃ sukham du: khamayustasya hitahitam mananca tachcha yatroktamayurveda: sa uchyate”

(Charaka Sutra Adhyaya 01.42)

Any science that deals with life, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, and what is unpleasant for that life, and what is the extent and form of that life, is called Ayurveda. The modern indigenous medical system is also used under the common name of Ayurveda. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, diseases are caused by the three doshas. Certain diseases caused by dosha imbalance or dosha anger are divided into two categories: intrinsic diseases, and diseases caused by external factors such as vatim, sirim, pahadim, etc. are classified as extrinsic diseases. Ayurveda states that there are 80 diseases due to the anger of the body, 40 diseases due to pitta, and 30 diseases due to phlegm. Ayurveda, which advises to eliminate the causes of diseases, also provides treatment when a disease occurs. It is called therapy. It is recommended to examine the dosha anger of the body and apply appropriate medicines and treatment for it. Accordingly, Dr. Vagbhata Acharya indicates appropriate treatment and medicines for the doshas of vata, pitta, and phlegm.

Dr. Vagbhata states that oil, ghrita, and honey are suitable for diseases of the air, respectively. For air, ghrita is the main medicine, oil is the main medicine, for bile, ghrita is the main medicine, for phlegm, ghrita is the main medicine, and for phlegm, ghrita is the main medicine. A skilled doctor examines the patient and the disease carefully and combines the appropriate medicines to cure the disease. The five-part treatment is mainly prescribed.


Ayurveda is a very broad science. It is a science that helps protect human health. The Mahavamsa mentions that hospitals existed in Sri Lanka since the time of Pandukabhaya and that he himself was involved in the development of medicine by appointing doctors and promoting their development. The description of King Buddhadasa indicates that he was a doctor. The medical book called Sarartha Sangrahaya was written by him in Sanskrit. Evidence found in the Polonnaruwa and Mihintale temples shows that not only the Ayurvedic medical system but also many local crafts were developed. The creation of medicine boats confirms that the practice of medicine was developed. The world has also paid attention to local medicines because of their healing properties and their beneficial effects on the body. Accordingly, it should be noted that many foreigners come to Sri Lanka for local medicine. When we look at the lifestyle of our ancestors who gave birth to the ten giants of the past, we see the correct and healthy lifestyle they followed. According to the lifestyle that existed then, their diet was prepared from their own garden. They were accustomed to a diet that was unique to non-toxic crops. It is also evident from the past Ravana era that we had a traditional medical system that was unique to us. In an era where the entire world is undergoing globalization, everyone understands that maintaining human health is not a small task and everyone is turning to Heshiya medicine for a healthy and sound life.

Clinic: Tell us about your choice to become a doctor. Was it your family’s decision, or did you choose this path on your own?

Doctor: Since childhood, I have seen how patients are cured with local medicines. I claim to be a descendant of Hela Veda. I consider it a blessing given to me by nature. Since I claim to be a medical lineage, I have loved local medicine since childhood. We prepare the natural medicines belonging to the lineage ourselves. Since these medicines are natural, they do not cause any harm to the body. Local treatments can preserve health as well as youth. Since I have been in the lineage, I did not need to learn about medical practice from anyone else. I become a doctor and cure patients based on my and my family’s wishes.

Clinic: How different is ayurvedic medicine from the expectations of patients arriving from the west and other countries? 

Doctor: Ayurvedic medicine is a traditional holistic healing system that focuses on maintaining balance in the body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes the three doshas. These doshas are balanced in a healthy person, but they can become imbalanced, leading to disease. Rather than treating symptoms, it aims to identify and treat the root cause of a disease.

Western medicine is based on evidence-based practice and scientific research. It is based on the toxic seed theory of disease, which states that diseases are caused by toxic seeds. It emphasizes the diagnosis and treatment of diseases using medicine, surgery, and medical technology.

Ayurvedic medicine relies heavily on herbal remedies. It emphasizes natural and plant-based medicines. It uses a variety of therapies, including massage, yoga, and meditation.

Ayurvedic medicine considers the person as a whole and takes lifestyle, diet, mental well-being, and spiritual practices into account when solving health problems. Indigenous medicines are gentle on the body. Side effects are minimal.

Clinic: What diseases have you already encountered ?

Doctor: According to the Ayurvedic philosophy of life, it is more important to prevent diseases than to cure them when they occur. It is not just a medical system but a philosophy of life. Protecting the health of a healthy person. Healing the diseases of a sick person and preserving health can be done through the methods of behavior, virtue, exercise methods, ethics, and personal health. These principles can be applied to many diseases that exist today. The various toxins that enter the human body through food, water, air, and various products accumulate in the body in small amounts over a period of time. One day, the body cannot tolerate their harmful effects. One day, when the body cannot tolerate their harmful effects, serious diseases occur. Chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, endometriosis, sciatica, and stress are common conditions, and the power to cure every disease lies in the indigenous medical system.

Clinic: How long does treatment take and how is it carried out? 

Doctor: In Panchakarma therapy, the body is purified using the most suitable Panchakarma therapy for the patient according to the physical defects of the patient. Among these therapies, defecation and blood purification are most suitable for patients with nausea and vomiting, for patients with Vasti Vata, and for patients with bile. I perform Panchakarma therapy in three steps.

Main Karma

These karmas completely purify the body. The body’s metabolism is accelerated. Toxic substances are removed from the body. Digestion is facilitated. The blocked channels inside the body are opened. It brings healing to the body and mind. The patient should be prepared for about 1-2 weeks before the main karma. (Preliminary rituals should be performed.) Then, the main rituals should be performed and then taken care of again for about 1-2 weeks.

Clinic: Why are the main flow of your patients women ?  What do you find  special in treating such patients ? 

Doctor: Many women can discuss their most personal matters. They want to receive treatment in a relaxed manner without any hesitation. That is why they come to Malaga. I treat them in a friendly manner, maintaining their trust.

Clinic: A doctor, psychologist, coach,and astrologer at the same time. Wow sounds pretty fantastic doesn’t it? Are these things inter connected ?

Doctor: Ayurveda psychology  offers the opportunity to understand the nature of the mind in completely unique way. Combination of your genetics.combination of nature and nurtured determines both your physical and your psychological   con- stitution. Each disha has certain characteristics so once you know which category you fall into you can use different technique based on your individual needs to work through problems and imbalances.The free doshas represent the material elements each dosha fllows the characteristics of its corresponding elements and has disease tend encies to match. You will be combination of qualities but some will be more dominant and that is what ayurveda works with. 

Yoga is practice of science. Both have an inevitable connection with each other. They have originated as a part of the incredible systems from vedic knowledge yoga has its roots. Many of them make resolutions to maintain their health as ayurveda and yoga are interrelated they together encompass healing disciplines in the body. Ayurveda rejuvenates the body. Yoga deals with purification mind and consciousness.ayurveda and yoga aids in healing the body and mind naturally.

Ayurveda and vedic astrology share a deep and age old connection both having roots in the vedas. In vedic astrology the birth chart or natal chart is considered a powerful tool for on covering potential health issues. Astrologers with knowledge of ayurveda offen referred to as ayurvedacharyas provide remedies based on karmatic effects and dosha imbalances. This approach not only addresses existing  health concern but also aims to prevent protential issues from escalating into serious individualscan effectively manage their wellbeing.

Clinic: What should a person remember to maintain a true ayurvedic lifestyle?

Doctor: Ayurveda is the Veda of life. Ayurveda means life. Veda means knowledge. That is, Ayurveda is the noble science that helps in living a long life. Ayurveda has a broad objective in medicine. That is, to preserve the health of the person and eradicate diseases by fulfilling the principles of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha, and Purushartha. Here, Dhamma means living a life according to Dharma. Artha means accumulating wealth in a reasonable manner. Kama means enjoying the sense organs as a good thing with the earned wealth. Moksha means living this life happily and happily and going to the next world after death. Thus, it is seen that in the philosophy of Ayurveda, the path to living this life in a healthy way as well as the path to the next world has been clarified.

Clinic: Do you personally believe in karma?

Doctor: Karma has the idea that actions have consequences and that good actions lead to good results and bad actions lead to bad results .

Dharma generally means morality in philosophy. Its based on the belief that rules order and make life and the universe work. Dharmais also about believing in a hight purpose being compassionate and empathentic to others and understanding that everything in the world is connected. It believes in our ability to control our actions, takes responsibility for these actions and make choices based on what’s night on other hand karma is believe that your actions and choices can shape your life and the next. Because what you do can lead to good or bad things with good intentions so you can have a positive future.

Clinic: It was a great privilage to get a share of valuable insight from your knowledge today for all of our patients worldwide.

Doctor: Welcome to Sri Lanka for my family’s treatment programmes.